Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Picture of the Day-Wednesday

Yes it is another "chalk drawn" picture. This time it is me & Ricky and it is December of 1976. Ricky comes in my bedroom and tells me to "get up" and since I am not a morning (or afternoon) person, this was not received very well. Especially when he wouldn't tell me where we were going - just "get up and get dressed". Even I know that you don't tell Ricky "no" so I got up and got dressed. Off to Knotts Berry Farm we went. No fun, no rides, just have this picture done. I remember when we brought it home, we unrolled it and looked real close at it noticing little things that the artist caught. Now personally, I love this picture. Ricky hates it. Can you tell I'm a bit "pudgy". I was the heaviest - oh ok - the fattest I had ever been. I blame it on Chocolate Fudge Pop Tarts and Whole Milk. If you could have seen me six months previous to this - wow!! The summer of 1976 I was as close to "hot" as I have ever been. Went to the beach nearly every day, had a nice tan, long blonde hair and NO GLASSES - I got contacts that year. But I still love this picture and it will hang in my house one day.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...only a woman could look at this lovely artwork of herself and think, "Pudgy!" Glad you consider it a keeper anyway! :-)
