Thursday, February 12, 2009

Normans Collection

Now many of you know that I (did) collect all kinds of things - glassware (fiesta, harlequin, jadeite & Fireking), coca cola bottle carriers, beanie babies, barbies, creamers, oil cans etc etc. But I wanted to share with you what Norman collects. HANGERS. Yep regular wire hangers. He displays them in our closet. He adds to it on a weekly basis. I don't know if he has a favorite. But since he put up with my collections for years and years, I guess I gotta put up with his. NOT. Hopefully we will by saying good-bye to the hangers next week.

I love you Nina Bear
Book Print is killing me.
Reg have fun on your cruise.
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  1. Be strong, you are Woman, you will survive!
    I will have fun on the cruise, Thank-you

  2. Hangers? Off all thing he collects hangers : )

  3. I'm not sure I'd get rid of anything that helps my spouse "hang in there"! ;-)

  4. wow what an interesting collection HAHA -- hope you had a happy valentines day -- and good luck on making that collection disappear HAHA
