Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here He is .....

We haven't had a good picture of Connor Jordan in quite some time so here is a recent one, taken just last Sunday. He is very camera shy and I have a super hard time getting him to look at the camera. Oh by the way, Nina found some wedding shoes - Yeah. Now we are worried about the weather. It seems the weather channel is predicting isolated thundershowers for next Saturday - which you all know is the BIG DAY. Today is rainy, stormy and just plain ugly so Norman is watching the Golf Tournament and I am entering Sweepstakes (my other computer keeps dying on me so I thought I would take a break and BLOG.) I think I have the Internet Explorer Operation Aborted problem fixed. I had added some music to the blog and I guess IE didn't approve so I took it off. I hope that works. I can't believe it is May already - time to start Christmas Shopping (NOT) but if you need a bathing suit NOW is the time to buy, cuz they will be gone come summer. I guess I'll go watch the golf tournament, maybe take a nap. Ya'all have a good one, ya hear.
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  1. so glad to see you back -- he is growing like a weed - he is so adorable --

    email me girl -- miss talking to you.


  2. oh my gosh!!!!!he is sooo BIG !! I miss you all and Nina was a BEAUTIFUL bride. I am so sad that I couldn't make it. Love to all, Paula
