Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ain't she pretty....

Yeah, here is Connor's mommy (Nina Bear). I love it when she wears her glasses. She is the love of my life. Just thought I'd share family photos since I had a couple good ones.

Movie Review: If you have never seen "A Time To Kill" then you need to rent it. It was on tv yesterday and it was the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen it and it was such a good movie that I think everyone needs to watch it. It is not a new movie - just a really good one. My Dad and Carol went to see "Me & Marley" (the new one out about the dog). Carol called today and said it was a good movie - but didn't like the ending. Rented the latest "Mummy" movie last night. If you like that kind of movie and have seen 1 & 2, well then you need to go on and see the 3rd - otherwise don't bother. Rented "The Women" last week - MAJOR CHIK FLIK - (I don't recall seeing a single male in the whole movie). I was expecting more considering the cast - Meg Ryan, Bette Midler, etc etc - but was very disappointed. I guess it was worth the dollar it cost to rent it but that's about it.
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1 comment:

  1. Why, she looks like...huh. She certainly resembles someone I know, but I can't quite put my finger on it. With her glasses on especially, she looks like...darn! Who is it? I'm sure it will come to me.
