Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh no, it's MONDAY :(

Hi everyone, I would say "happy Monday" but we all know that's impossible. What a horribly long week is has been. My back is killing me - don't know for sure why, but it is really hard to move. Nina & Chris moved over the weekend. They are on this side of town now just a couple miles from me. Norman & I went over to check out their apartment yesterday. It is a one bedroom so it is smaller than the one they just left but plenty of room for the two of them and Izzy (my grandpuppy) seems to approve. The apartments are on the lake so me and Nina took a walk down by the water and it was lovely. We all came back to the empty nest for grilled burgers which were wonderful. I know you are all dying to know what's up with this picture............WEEEELLLL, as most of you know, I love to enter sweepstakes. Lately though, I haven't had much time which is such a bummer. Anyway, for some reason, I entered a sweepstakes that was giving away a bottle of nail polish - AND GUESS WHAT - I WON!!!! (so did 399 other people). And since I don't have time to paint my nails, I gave the polish to Nina Bear.

I do try to enter my coke sweepstakes. So many wonderful people at work save their coke, diet coke, sprite, etc caps for me and some of them even bring me the ends of their refrigerator 12 packs (worth 10 points each). Entering the codes is a pain in the butt - but, Norman reads them off to me every Saturday night which is a huge help. I'll be sure to let you know if I win anything from Coke-they have some great prizes.

For those of you that worry about me working myself to death, I have asked for a schedule change and reduced hours for the day job. I asked for the following schedule:
Mon: 9-2
Tue: OFF
Wed: 9-2
Thu: OFF
Fri: 9-2
Sat: 9-5
Sun: 9-5

Two mornings off - wow. Hopefully this schedule will go into effect next week. I cannot handle ten hour nights on the night job and getting off work at 1:30 in the morning then being at the other job at 9:00 in the morning. Last week we worked one night for ten hours and I was wiped out for 3 days. Tonight, I may be in "CARDS" and if I am - it will be a ten hour night YUCK.

OK, gotta go get some other stuff accomplished before heading out = have a good week, try to stay cool, Nina Bear I love you = good luck this week with your new doctor.
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1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are changing your schedule. You work too much! Congrats on the nail polish! I keep trying to save you codes but I never get ones that you enter :( I will keep trying though!

