Monday, June 15, 2009

Definition of an............

Before I start todays blog, I need to add a disclaimer here - foul language is about to appear and if you can't hang with foul language then don't read todays post - just come back next week. Now for those of us that can handle the bad words, the title of this blog post is "Definition of an ASSHOLE".

Nina's dad (Chris Leal-Orlando Florida) is who I am speaking about. Nina was in Florida in January and had lunch with her dad. There was some discussion about his health and some possible problems. He was going to have some tests, blah blah blah. Nina got in touch with him some time afterwards to see how the tests came out - he said they were going to do more tests. Nina tried several times to find out the results and to see how he was doing - he never responded - until last week.

Nina emailed her dad and asked him if he was terminally ill. His response was = "why, are you looking for insurance money". I took a poll and it was unanimous - He is an asshole and just to be sure I checked the dictionary and looked up "asshole" and lo and behold there was a picture of Chris Leal. (I checked under "jerk" and yep there he was again).

Now for those of you that don't know, Nina has Borderline Personality Disorder (if you don't know what that is, google it) and for her dad to respond to her like this (yes he knows about the disorder) is irresponsible, immature, mean and dangerous.

Ok, enough of that tirade. I worked 35.5 hours at my part time job last week so I'm entitled to be just a tad bit cranky. ONE MORE WEEK IN THE FREEZER (aka book print). I saw SANDRA COOPER at wal-mart a couple weeks ago and SANDRA YOU LOOK FANTASTIC. I am so proud of you. She has lost lots of weight and could probably wear my jeans now. :) Charles - welcome to row 1 and row A (aka the Geriatric row) It will be so nice to have you close by again.

Ok, gotta go as today is the only "day" I have off, gotta do laundry, empty the dishwasher, make lunch for tonight, swiffer the floors, etc etc. I wish every one a great week. Nina Bear, I love you.
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  1. well that sounds like a response from him. And i can assure you he's never read up on her disorder. not that i am defending him at all. I can't understand why he never contacted her as to his medical issues. but i can tell you he's ok. if it matters. i don't have too much contact with him myself. but i do love you all and hope that nina just concentrates on her own life that is only to become more pj

  2. WELL THAT JUST SUCKS!!!!!! how can he even say that to her after knowing everything that she has been through and after her diagnosis -i think that was very inconsiderate and unthoughtful and tacky and rude and.... oh did i get my point across yet - just let me know i can think of some more -- haha -- how dare he even suggest that to her -- but anyway - im done with that

    it was GREAT To see you at walmart terri -- !!!!!! it was so awesome to see your expression because we hadnt seen each other in SOO long -- and it was cool to see normal too - dont want to leave him out -- thanks for the comments - its been long road and still got more to go but thats ok -- 110 lbs down and about 70 more to go so the way i look at it is im over half way there!!! always a positive way to look at it.

    thanks for keeping the blog up -- its great to come see how ya doin and what you guys get to plan - you going to have to tell ricky i said a BIG HELLOOO there --

    you just crack me up about how much you hate bookprint -- i used to LOVE it -- i still do but damn i freeze to death now in there-- i used to wear short sleeve no coat now i bring coat and where 2 shirts -- im losing my insulation HAHAHA

    you just take care of your nina bear and dont worry -- she is going to be great. and by the way -- i think you are working way too much girl

    you take care of yourself

    miss ya girl!!! you give CC Bear a big hug for me
