Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Whew, its over

After weeks of getting ready, the yard sale/glassware sale is finally over. What a job. If I ever say I am going to have another one, somebody slap me please. Nina and I worked so hard getting it set up, we were exhausted when we shut the doors on Saturday. Wish we could have sold everything - but that never happens. The Salvation Army will be getting a chunk of the leftover yard sale stuff and I guess I'll take everyone's advice and start ebaying the glass ware.
So, I've decided to go to the day shift at work. That will be strange - getting up in the wee hours of the morning and getting off work while the sun is still shining. I'm excited. I just hope I can continue to work at my part time job - just in the evenings instead of the mornings- keeping my fingers crossed they can accommodate my new schedule.
It is a cold, rainy, depressing day here in Hot Springs. The kind of day you just want to stay curled up in bed under the covers but since I have some time, I better enter some Coke Codes. I've got a box of caps just waiting for me. Have a great day all.

1 comment:

  1. Great sale! Love my $2 gym bag! If we had a larger apartment, we'd have bought some of that wonderful glassware, especially the genie bottles. ;-)

    Charles & Jan
