Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Blues

It's monday and I'm supposed to blog today but things just aren't going very well in my little world so enjoy this cute picture, try to stay cool in this miserably hot weather and have a great week everyone.
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Friends & Family

Sunday at the Empty Nest. I got off work at 5:00 and came home to my little family. I bought Connor a little golf set and since it was SO HOT outside, we decided to play inside by rolling the golf balls up to the "hole". Connor could sit and do this for hours. We had a great dinner-Chris grilled pork chops and we had corn on the cob and mac & cheese. WONDERFUL. I love Sunday evenings with my family. Looks like my "part-time" job's schedule is going to be
Monday: off
Tuesday: 9-2
Wednesday: 9-2
Thursday: 9-2
Friday: 9-2
Saturday: 9-5
Sunday: 9-5
At least this is what it is for the next two weeks. My night job is now OUT OF THE FREEZER for the next 8 weeks - YEAH !!!!!!!!!!

You know how you have friends that you see all the time, talk to on the phone, go out and shop with or go out and eat with? Then you have friends that you work with (I just call them my work friends). I don't have any "friend friends" to go out with but I do have some wonderful work friends from my current job and from past jobs. In my last job I was a member of the management team and having "work friends" was not really possible for the most part so it has been a very long time since I have had any "friends" at all. Back in the late 1980's early 1990's I had a super best friend - Katie. Anyway, it is just so awesome to have the "work friends" that I have. Charles and Lydia and Reggie and Miss Terri (Campbell) you are very special people and I am so honored to have you as friends. Darlene, Sandra and Fran are work friends from a past job and they actually still keep in touch with me which just blows my mind. Usually I just lose contact and never see or hear from people again. Paula (Leal) is my Ex husbands wife - she is incredibly special to both me and Nina and we keep in touch via email, blogs and facebook. Some of you know that every night before I go to sleep I say (in my head) every thing and everyone I am grateful for and in addition to my family, I always think of my "friends" too. I am grateful for each and every one of you. For those of you that Pray - Reggie has some health issues and needs your prayers please.

Time to get ready for work - I hope everyone has a great week. Nina call the doctor and make an appointment please - I love you.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Definition of an............

Before I start todays blog, I need to add a disclaimer here - foul language is about to appear and if you can't hang with foul language then don't read todays post - just come back next week. Now for those of us that can handle the bad words, the title of this blog post is "Definition of an ASSHOLE".

Nina's dad (Chris Leal-Orlando Florida) is who I am speaking about. Nina was in Florida in January and had lunch with her dad. There was some discussion about his health and some possible problems. He was going to have some tests, blah blah blah. Nina got in touch with him some time afterwards to see how the tests came out - he said they were going to do more tests. Nina tried several times to find out the results and to see how he was doing - he never responded - until last week.

Nina emailed her dad and asked him if he was terminally ill. His response was = "why, are you looking for insurance money". I took a poll and it was unanimous - He is an asshole and just to be sure I checked the dictionary and looked up "asshole" and lo and behold there was a picture of Chris Leal. (I checked under "jerk" and yep there he was again).

Now for those of you that don't know, Nina has Borderline Personality Disorder (if you don't know what that is, google it) and for her dad to respond to her like this (yes he knows about the disorder) is irresponsible, immature, mean and dangerous.

Ok, enough of that tirade. I worked 35.5 hours at my part time job last week so I'm entitled to be just a tad bit cranky. ONE MORE WEEK IN THE FREEZER (aka book print). I saw SANDRA COOPER at wal-mart a couple weeks ago and SANDRA YOU LOOK FANTASTIC. I am so proud of you. She has lost lots of weight and could probably wear my jeans now. :) Charles - welcome to row 1 and row A (aka the Geriatric row) It will be so nice to have you close by again.

Ok, gotta go as today is the only "day" I have off, gotta do laundry, empty the dishwasher, make lunch for tonight, swiffer the floors, etc etc. I wish every one a great week. Nina Bear, I love you.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Gallery Walk & More.....

Here I am with the great Zoltar. For a small fee, he will tell your fortune - I hear that all day. Friday night was great. We (Norman, Wes, Ricky & I) had dinner at Joses and it was super duper as always. I had lots of chips with white cheese dip, chicken flautas and a diet coke. Wes didn't join us for gallery walk, he went on home but it was great to visit with him. Norman, Ricky & I headed downtown where traffic was unbelievable - not only was it Gallery Walk night but they were also having a food festival of some type. We were lucky and found a great parking place right in front of Belle Arti. We walked on the Bath House side of Central all the way down to the end just before the Majestic. The weather was perfect by the way. We crossed the street and walked back down Central stopping here and there. We went into Romancing The Stone and I bought myself a bracelet and a Peace Sign necklace - I am all of the sudden really into "PEACE" sign stuff. We stopped in front of the store I work at so I could have my picture taken. Norman & Ricky met James who is the manager of the store and one of my bosses. We walked and looked some more and enjoyed the galleries. When we left downtown, I had a surprise for Ricky. I had (earlier in the day) printed out 3 coupons for $10 free play at Oaklawn so we went to the new casino. YAHOO, that was fun. Felt just like being in a (miniature) Vegas casino. We all signed up for our Winners Card and got our $10 dollar bill and had a ball. I only played with a ten dollar bill and I came home with ten dollars. I played the nickel slots and the quarter slots. I bought myself a drink (diet coke & Kahlua). We got home around 10:00 ish and because I had diet coke twice in one night, I did not sleep a wink. I knew better, but I had fun anyway. Looks like my schedule will be 9-2 on tue, wed, thu & fri and all day Sat and all day Sun for the duration of the summer. I will have Monday mornings off so that will be my "blog" time. Check back each week to see if I've managed to make it through the week. Right now my only complaint is my feet are killing me. Last week I got to work in Card Print instead of the hated and dreaded Book Print - now this is good news and bad news. The good news is that I love Card Print. The bad news is that I am on my feet about 80% of the night and after having been on my feet for 5 hours during the day................OUCHY. Gotta go - take care -
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Monday, June 1, 2009

The Happy Little Family

Here we have it, the happy little family. We were able to have family dinner on Sunday this week. This was taken in the garage after Connor and Noman (this is what Connor calls Norman) played some golf - in the garage. Connor thought that was way too fun. Now I gotta go out and find him a little toy set of golf clubs. Dinner was bar-b-que steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. It was OK. I've been workin to much for anything else of interest to happen to tell you about but this Friday is Gallery Walk and I will be taking the night off at you know where. Ricky, Norman and I will have dinner at Joses - YUM, then head downtown for Gallery Walk. This is my (belated) birthday outing that Ricky and I do each year. I'll be sure to take my camera and write all about it the next time I get a day off - which wont be for at least a week - Yeah I know the suspense will be hard to manage - but try!!! Have a wonderful week everyone.
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