Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hi Everyone - it's been forever I know. Sometimes I just come up dry when I am trying to think of something to write about. I had something exciting to talk about today didn't work out the way I wanted it to. I got an email from my cousin (Nita Bug) telling me that her son Bryan was interviewed in Country Weekly magazine. Well I tried to find the interview on their website and could not find it. So out I went looking for the actual magazine. I thought for sure it would be at Books-A-Million, NOPE. So onward I went to Wal-Mart, NOPE. Finally tried Kroger and lo and behold there it was - NOT. I bought the magazine ($3.49 plus tax) but it was the wrong issue. Bryan White is my cousin and a country music singer - real popular a few years back. You can check out his website at

I have another funny for you today:

A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, 'Relative of yours?' 'Yep', the wife replied, 'in-laws'.

Ha Ha Ha, I really like that one.
I Love You Nina Bear
I Hate Book Print.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another (small) win !!!!

I got this in the mail on Saturday. It is from entering an "Agri Solutions" sweepstakes. The grand prize is power tools. I just love freebies and everyone can use more flashlights right?

Connor fell in the bathtub last night and chipped his tooth - poor baby. He's been really sick and now this. Big hugs from Nemo -- Connor I love you.

Nina & Chris took me out to lunch on Monday - it was so nice. Got to visit with Nina Bear. Thanks for lunch guys.

Bryan & Jenn took Norman & I to lunch on Saturday. I love going out to eat. We had a very nice visit and great food. Thanks guys!!

I have a "funny" for you:

While attending a Marriage Seminar dealing with communication, Tom & his wife Grace listened to the instructor, "it is essential that husbands and wives know each other's likes & dislikes." He addressed the man "Can you name your wifes favorite flower?" Tom leaned over, touched his wifes arm gently and whispered, "It's Pillsbury, isn't it?"
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Friday, January 16, 2009

I just have to say it.....

I just got through watching the news and felt compelled to write about the recent plane crash (being touted as "The Miracle on the Hudson". )I believe it truly was a miracle - everyone survived - wow. Now I believe that every thing happens for a reason and I've decided to believe that the reason for this near tragedy is to remind every one (especially those on board that plane and their families) to be GRATEFUL. We take everything for granted every day - like waking up in the morning, like knowing that a loved one will be there when we get around to visiting, like knowing your car will start when you go to leave....We all need to learn to be grateful for everything we have (and even for some things we don't have), for everything we can do, see, smell, feel & taste. I read the book "The Secret" last year and while it may not be for everyone, it did teach me to be grateful. And for that - I am grateful.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ain't she pretty....

Yeah, here is Connor's mommy (Nina Bear). I love it when she wears her glasses. She is the love of my life. Just thought I'd share family photos since I had a couple good ones.

Movie Review: If you have never seen "A Time To Kill" then you need to rent it. It was on tv yesterday and it was the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen it and it was such a good movie that I think everyone needs to watch it. It is not a new movie - just a really good one. My Dad and Carol went to see "Me & Marley" (the new one out about the dog). Carol called today and said it was a good movie - but didn't like the ending. Rented the latest "Mummy" movie last night. If you like that kind of movie and have seen 1 & 2, well then you need to go on and see the 3rd - otherwise don't bother. Rented "The Women" last week - MAJOR CHIK FLIK - (I don't recall seeing a single male in the whole movie). I was expecting more considering the cast - Meg Ryan, Bette Midler, etc etc - but was very disappointed. I guess it was worth the dollar it cost to rent it but that's about it.
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Ain't he sweet....

I know I should have more pictures of the Connor Monster on here, it's just tough to get a good picture of him. This one is too cute so I thought I would share. He is 2 1/2 years old and loves big trucks and tractors. I've heard tell that he can do some talkin too but he don't talk much around me - wonder why? Dont answer that.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The "Empty Nest"

I just thought I would post a picture of the "empty nest". Too bad it isn't summer cuz the grass looks horrible but use your imagination. Did you make any new years resolutions? I never do, don't believe in them. If I am gonna do something, I do it and I don't wait til New Years to make a resolution to do it. I think it's kinda dumb to tell you the truth. And one of my pet peeves is to be watching tv and some idiot newsperson or talk show host starts asking "john Q. public" what their new years resolution is going to be - WHO CARES. Oh don't get me started on my pet peeves or we'll be here all day. Have a good one!!!
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Sunday, January 4, 2009


WOOOHOOO, I got a laptop. It is awesome. It is an HP and we bought it yesterday at Office Depot. Today it went on sale - isn't that always the case. Any who, all we had to do was take the receipt back and they gave us a credit. Old Mr. Norman got me all set up (once we talked to the family computer guru - RICKY) and it works beautifully. I AM SO EXCITED.

This has been a great weekend, not only did I get a laptop but I ran into a friend that I haven't seen in quite a while and it was so good to see her and talk to her - KATIE I LOVE YOU - YOU HAVE GOT TO KEEP IN TOUCH :).

OH by the way, for those of you keeping tabs, I won a $20 gift card to Home Shopping Network whilst sweepstaking. And yes, I have already shopped and spent the money. Winning is so much fun.
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